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Women Leaders Gather at "Seat at the Table: from the Kitchen to Congress"

WASHINGTON, Sept. 14, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- On September 27th, Capitol Hill will come alive with the voice of women industry leaders and legislators, focusing on the unique challenges confronting women-owned enterprises in the food, beverage, and hospitality sectors. Hosted at the Rayburn Building from 4:30pm to 6pm EST, the "Seat at the Table: from the Kitchen to Congress" event promises to be a groundbreaking affair.

Women Advancing Nutrition Dietetics and Agriculture (WANDA) collaborates with MAPP and the National Partnership for Women and Families to curate a compelling dialogue at the heart of our Nation's Capital. This powerful Congressional reception aims to bring legislators, Fortune 500 executives, and small business owners together, igniting innovative solutions for the industries underpinning our caretaking ethos. The urgency for innovative, immediate action has never been more palpable.

Tambra Raye Stevenson, MPH, MA, Founder and CEO of WANDA will headline the event along with other dynamic women food leaders. "In the words of Michelle Obama, the measure by any society is how it retreats its women and girls. In an era marked by soaring food insecurity rates, it's crucial to mobilize women in the food sector, recognizing how the right to food intersects with the well-being of women and families. Our partnership with MAPP underscores our call for a Food Bill of Rights in Congress this Fall. Organizations and individuals can sign the petition at," Stevenson asserts.

Joanna James, Founder & President of MAPP, states, "While food is fundamental to existence, the pioneering efforts of WANDA highlight the importance of ensuring food access that prioritizes biodiversity, sustainability, and nutritional richness. MAPP stands shoulder-to-shoulder with WANDA, advocating for a food system that values equitable representation and narrative sharing."

This networking reception is more than just an acknowledgment of the outstanding contributions of women in the culinary and hospitality fields. It's an urgent call to action, spotlighting how multifaceted challenges threaten the survival of these small businesses.

Stevenson will be joined by illustrious figures in the industry, including Jilan Hall-Johnson, Daniella Senior, Lena Le, Cheetie Kumar, Hollis Silverman, Micheline Mendelsohn, Mary Aregoni, and Mama Suu.

Additional partners include the Independent Restaurant Coalition, Immigrant Food, The Culinary Diplomacy Project, and Black Women in Food. The public can register for the event at


Women Advancing Nutrition Dietetics and Agriculture (WANDA) is a leading nonprofit based in Washington, D.C., founded in 2016. We empower women and girls of African descent to become catalysts for change in their communities through education, advocacy, and innovation. With recognition from Forbes, Voice of America, and NPR, as well as advisory roles with institutions like the Milken Institute Food as Medicine Advisory Board, Tufts Food and Nutrition Innovation Council, African Nutrition Society, and USDA NAREEE Advisory Board, WANDA is at the forefront of reshaping the future of food, nutrition, and agriculture. Learn more at

About MAPP

Mentorship, Advocacy, Purpose, and the Power of Women (MAPP) was founded in 2019 to support the growth & scale of women-led food organizations so together we can create a sea-change of equity & empowerment. As a 501C3 non-profit, MAPP leverages industry-leading programs, mentors, and partners to empower women. Since its inception, the organization has secured significant accolades and partnerships, including collaborations with Oprah Magazine, PBS, The James Beard Foundation, and Harvard. Committed to advancing careers, MAPP champions 1-on-1 mentorships, advocates for equitable policies, sponsors pandemic relief grants, and spotlights representation where it's most needed.

SOURCE WANDA: Women Advancing Nutrition Dietetics and Agriculture

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