News Releases

6000 Participants from 45 Countries Expected to Participate in the 21st Biomed Israel Conference

Israel's leading annual life science conference and exhibition to be held on May 16-18, 2023, at the David InterContinental Hotel in Tel Aviv

TEL AVIV, ISRAEL, April 18, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- The 21st Biomed Israel, the premier international Life Science and HealthTech conference in Israel, will take place on May 16-18, 2023, at the David InterContinental Hotel in Tel Aviv, Israel. The conference attracts over 6,000 industry leaders, scientists, engineers, physicians, and investors from over 45 countries. As in previous years, hundreds of Israeli life science companies will present and exhibit their innovative products and technologies.

The event presents a unique opportunity for global healthcare and HealthTech leaders to experience Israel's innovative and vibrant life science and biomedical industry. For 21 consecutive years, Biomed Israel is the largest and leading meeting venue for healthcare professionals from Israel with their international colleagues and partners, who come together for three days of intensive networking to discover business opportunities and promote partnerships.

Co-Chaired by Ruti Alon, Founder and CEO of Medstrada, Ora Dar, PhD, Senior Expert, Medical Sciences and Health Innovation, and Nissim Darvish, MD, PhD, Managing General Partner, Eliraz Ventures, the conference will explore and aim to fuel the innovations and trends that are shaping the future of healthcare systems and life science. 

"The first and foremost objective of Biomed Israel is to boost collaborations between the innovative HealthTech ecosystem in Israel and the global life science industry," said Ruti Alon. "Senior executives and delegations from multinationals, big pharma, medical devices, tech giants and international investors in the health industry come to Israel each May to "shop for" innovation in the field, in search for creative solutions, products and technologies, and the next big thing." 

"The conference will highlight the best of what Israel has to offer in a variety of areas and indications that coincide with the current trends that are of interest to the global life science industry. In addition to recurring themes such as oncology and the impact of artificial intelligence on drug discovery and development, this year we have expanded the scope of topics to include also practical workshops in the fields of regulation and reimbursement. We are also focusing on prevention and looking into the future of health innovation, in the longevity and precision nutrition tracks, for example, and have included a plenary talk on quantum computing," concluded Ms. Alon.  

The conference covers the entire scope of the life science industry, including biopharma/biotech, medical device, digital health, and diagnostic products and technologies, and will include the following sessions and workshops:

  1. Longevity – How to Complete the Centenarian Decathlon?
  2. Do we Know Enough About the Brain to Treat Neurological Disorders?
  • Are Cancer Therapeutics Fulfilling the Promise?
  • Can we Successfully Diagnose and Guide Patients' Optimal Cancer Treatment?
  • AI Tapestry: Optimizing the Interaction of AI and Biopharma
  • Facts and Myths on Ex-Liver Drug Delivery and New Horizons to Cure Rare Disorders
  • Who Owns Health Decisions? The Changing Dynamics of Patient-Physician Relationships in the Digital Health Revolution
  • Robots Dancing with Humans in the Healthcare Systems and Homes
  • Are Medical Devices Still Relevant in the Context of New Biology?
  • Let Food be thy Medicine and Medicine be thy Food
  • How do we Make Academic Translation Medicine Replicable and Relevant?
  • BioConvergence – Everything That Rises Must Converge
  • High Pace Innovation in Dermatology & Medical Aesthetics
  • Ophthalmology, from R&D to Commercialization
  • Navigating Global Collaborations in Times of Uncertainty: Can we Turn Challenges into Growth Opportunities?
  • Workshop: Winners and Losers of Recent and Future Pricing Models. Leader: Formulary Insights
  • Workshop: Tectonic Regulatory Shifts and their Impacts (BioPharma and Medical Devices)

For plenary and keynote speakers

For heads of sessions

For preliminary agenda

For registration

Tsipi Haitovsky
Global Media Liaison
Biomed Israel
Tel: +972-52-598-9892



SOURCE Biomed Israel