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Mike Rowe to Keynote at Auto Glass Week™ 2022

 SAN ANTONIO, May 3, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Emmy-winning host, best-selling author, executive producer, and trades advocate Mike Rowe will be the keynote speaker at Auto Glass Week™ 2022 at the Henry B. González Convention Center on September 15. Rowe is one of the nation's most respected leaders of championing vocations through series such as Dirty Jobs and Somebody's Gotta Do It. He has held countless interviews speaking about the skills gap and the importance of trades.

During Thursday's Keynote, Mike Rowe will discuss his insights, thoughts, and lessons learned while apprenticing on 300 "dirty" jobsites.  Attendees of Auto Glass Week will have the opportunity to ask questions that Rowe will answer during his presentation. This keynote is supported by sponsor XYG North America.

Rowe has spent his career hosting and narrating various programs, including Dirty Jobs, How America Works, and The Way I Heard It. He created the mikeroweWORKS Foundation, a 501(c)(3) public charity as a way to promote the importance of the skilled trades. The Foundation has granted millions of dollars through the Work Ethic Scholarship Program to assist people in getting trained for skilled jobs that are in demand. Today, you can join Mike for a romp through history on the Discovery+ series Six Degrees as he uncovers the surprising connections between two disparate things and shows how everything in the world is connected.

Auto Glass Week is scheduled for September 14-16, 2022, at the Henry B. González Convention Center in San Antonio, Texas. The three days will consist of a wide-ranging educational program, networking opportunities, an exhibition floor, and dynamic competitions devoted to making connections that enhance the automotive glass industry. To learn more visit

SOURCE Auto Glass Week 2022

For further information: FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT Holly Biller 540/602-3251