News Releases

Phoenix's Senior Service Expo Premieres This Weekend
All Seniors and Caregivers Invited to Attend for Free
The Senior Service Expo is inviting all seniors and caregivers to attend the livestreamed, online premiere of the event this weekend, October 17-18th, 2020

PHOENIX, Oct. 13, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Arizona's first 100% online Senior Service Expo is set to premiere this Saturday and Sunday at People can sign up online for free, and tune-in virtually this weekend to enjoy upbeat, educational presentations and live Q&A, along with fabulous prizes and giveaways every hour.

"If we were holding this event live, we'd be sold out and over-capacity," said Benjamin Freedman, Expo Production Manager, "But because this is a virtual, online livestreamed event, we can accommodate a much greater number of viewers. It's with that in mind that I'd like to invite all seniors and caregivers in the Phoenix Metro Area to join us for a weekend of fun, learning, and community."

The Expo features two full days of livestreamed sessions on topics such as healthcare, senior living, financial and legal services, medical equipment, real estate topics, and much, much more.

100% Online means 100% Safe
The Senior Service Expo is a first for Arizona, being 100% online and virtual. That means that attendees can register, watch, and chat with other viewers, all from the comfort of their home, using just a normal laptop or iPad. After every presentation, there's an opportunity for questions and answers, plus live drawings for Amazon Gift Cards, Custom Tote/Craft Bags, and even a brand-new iPad.

Expo Registrations
Registrations for the event are limited, but the Expo has made available FREE registrations for the first 1000 people. To register, please visit, and click on the registration button.

Media Contact:
Benjamin Freedman, Senior Service Expo
(480) 399-0000 -

SOURCE Senior Service Expo