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The 'Show Must Go On', as Wiley's Finest® Expands its Categories Beyond Fish Oil to Serve the Plant-Focused Shopper

COSHOCTON, Ohio, March 6, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Even as Natural Products Expo West, the world's largest natural, organic and healthy lifestyle buyer tradeshow postponed its event schedule this week, Wiley's Finest® decided 'the show must go on' (virtually), and is proceeding with their planned launch of 3 new product formulas that will serve the needs of the plant-focused shopper, strategically extending beyond their range of exceptional quality Wild Alaskan Fish Oils.

Sam Wiley, Wiley's Finest® CEO, explained he has been asked for years when the company would launch products for the plant-focused shopper. "From day one, our brand was always designed to be more than 'just' exceptional quality fish oil. We are passionate about the essential fatty acid category, and about our mission to serve the health and nutrition needs of all shoppers. The benefits of nutrients such as long chain EPA & DHA omega-3 fatty acids, the most clinically researched nutrients in human history, and natural plant sterols are clear," said Wiley. He added, "we recognize there are millions around the world who choose not to eat animal products, and our commitment to serve the health of everyone on the planet has just taken a major step forward."

Wiley's Finest® two new product lines include Bold Heart™ by Cardiosmile®, a natural, unique, and clinically tested supplement for heart health through healthy cholesterol management, and softgel and liquid pourable oil versions of its new plant powered CatchFree™ Omega product, designed especially for a healthy heart, healthy brain function, and daily head-to-toe well-being. All 3 formulas are certified Non-GMO by NSF® and Vegan by the Vegetarian Society.

Bold Heart™ by Cardiosmile® - Most of the over 95 million Americans affected by high cholesterol are not getting the plant sterols they need for healthy cholesterol management; most have a daily intake well below the US National Cholesterol Education Program recommendation of 2 grams. Bold Heart™ by Cardiosmile®, Wiley's Finest® newest addition to their Bold Benefits™ product line, delivers 2 grams of Non-GMO pine tree sterols per serving in a convenient liquid stick pack that can be easily mixed with foods and liquids, both hot and cold. The product has zero calories and no fat; a marked difference from mass-market functional foods which contain smaller amounts of plant sterols.

"We believe this formula can change the face of healthcare by offering a natural solution for lowering cholesterol," said Sam Wiley. Wiley added, "plant sterols are certainly not new or novel; they are a normal part of our diet. But science shows consuming higher amounts of plant sterols effectively manages cholesterol levels. The beauty of the Bold Heart™ formula is the innovative, patented liquid delivery system developed by our partners at Cardiosmile®."

Gretchen Vannice, Director of Nutrition Education and Research at Wiley's Finest®, added "Plant sterols naturally occur in beans, nuts, seeds, and whole grains, so many of us get some plant sterols in our diet.  But for those who wish to lower their cholesterol levels, 2 grams per day of plant sterols is the amount shown in research to be effective.  Bold HeartTM is a convenient and effective way to do this."

CatchFree™ Omega - The Wiley Family has always been passionate about seafood intake and the benefits of EPA & DHA omega-3 fatty acids. But they recognize that many friends, close network, and customers don't always choose a fish or animal-based product when selecting healthy fats. However, many of those who choose a vegetarian, vegan, or flexitarian diet do not get the essential fats needed for optimal health. "It's great to see people making lifestyle changes to improve their health, but they run the risk of missing essential nutrients, such as omega-3s," said Gretchen Vannice.

To meet that need, Wiley's Finest® has introduced their new CatchFree™ Omega product, a unique full spectrum blend of Ahiflower® seed oil and Algarithm™ algal DHA, with added vegan nutrients such as MenaQ7® Vitamin K2 and Vitashine™ Vitamin D3. The products are available in two flexible and convenient formulas; a full spectrum Omega-3 great tasting Tropical Mango flavored liquid oil, and full spectrum Omega-3 softgel.

Ahiflower® was carefully selected as a better tasting, next generation alternative to flax oil, providing a full spectrum of healthy fats like ALA Omega-3, SDA Omega-3, and GLA Omega-6 fatty acids. SDA Omega-3 has unique properties over ALA, allowing the body to more easily convert to EPA Omega-3.

Wiley's Finest® has chosen the omega-3 ingredient innovator Algarithm™ DHA as the flagship ingredient in the new CatchFree™ line. The partnership between Algarithm and Wiley's Finest® signifies an important shift in the industry, as forward-thinking omega-3 consumer brands meet increasing consumer demand for vegan alternatives. "As I've gotten to know Wiley's Finest®, I have been impressed by their focus on quality, sensory experience, and high dose delivery. That's why I was so excited when they selected Algarithm as their algal omega-3 partner; Wiley's is known in our industry for high quality, and I hope that their selection of Algarithm as a DHA supplier reinforces our own commitment to making the best tasting algal omega-3 oil on the market," said Ben Kelly, Co-founder and Managing Partner at Algarithm.

For more information about Wiley's Finest® or its line of exceptional quality supplements, visit, email, or call  (855) 514-4088.

SOURCE Wiley's Finest