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Cloud Native Computing Foundation Makes Kubernetes Certified Administrator Exam Curriculum Freely Available
Curriculum Blueprint Allows Training Providers To Get Jump Start on Certified Kubernetes Administrator Exam Preparations

BERLIN, March 29, 2017 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- CloudNativeCon + KubeCon Europe – The Cloud Native Computing Foundation, which is sustaining and integrating open source technologies to orchestrate containers as part of a microservices architecture, today announced the Kubernetes Certified Administrator Exam Curriculum is now freely available.

Available under the Creative Commons By Attribution 4.0 International license, the document provides the curriculum outline of the knowledge, skills and abilities that a Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) can be expected to demonstrate. By offering insights into subject domains and their percent weight on the exam, Kubernetes training providers can use the document to help shape their own curriculum and programs to better prepare for the exam. A Certified Kubernetes Administrator will be expected to work proficiently to design, install, configure, and manage a Kubernetes production-grade cluster.

"The ecosystem of training providers and consultants interested in offering Kubernetes expertise is rapidly growing as cloud native computing adoption soars," said Dan Kohn, Executive Director of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation. "By making the curriculum outline available now companies in the Kubernetes training ecosystem are able to get a jump start on their CKA exam preparations. Being able to assess this several months in advance of exam availability will be extremely beneficial to the training ecosystem."

Kubernetes Certified Administrator Exam Curriculum v 0.9 is available at

In November, CNCF announced a training, certification and Kubernetes Managed Service Provider (KMSP) program. Since then, a team of Kubernetes experts representing nine different companies including Apprenda, Canonical, CoreOS, Google, Huawei, and Samsung SDS, among others, has been working on defining an online, proctored certification program. The CKA exam, which will be run by The Linux Foundation for CNCF, is expected to be available this summer.

While many enterprises have successfully deployed Kubernetes based on the publicly available documentation and support available from the large and growing Kubernetes community, CNCF's KMSP program and training course enable enterprises that want additional support to be confident that they are working with Kubernetes experts.

This April the self-paced Kubernetes Fundamentals LFS258 course, which provides Linux administrators and software developers who are starting to work with containers the key principles behind managing containerized applications in production, will be expanded so that the course content matches the CKA exam scope.

Additionally, a new free Try Before You Buy: Kubernetes Fundamentals (LFS258) ebook sample of the course materials is now available. It gives a high-level overview of what Kubernetes is and the challenges it solves and dives deep into the system architecture.

Volunteers to help with beta testing the exam this May are needed. Interested developers and Kubernetes experts should subscribe to the Kubernetes Certification Working Group list:

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About Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Cloud native computing uses an open source software stack to deploy applications as microservices, packaging each part into its own container, and dynamically orchestrating those containers to optimize resource utilization. The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) hosts critical components of those software stacks including Kubernetes, Fluentd, Linkerd, Prometheus, OpenTracing, gRPC, CoreDNS, containerd, and rkt; brings together the industry's top developers, end users, and vendors; and serves as a neutral home for collaboration. CNCF is part of The Linux Foundation, a nonprofit organization. For more information about CNCF, please visit:

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Natasha Woods
The Linux Foundation
(415) 312-5289