News Releases

Discover, Classify, Protect and Analyze Your Data with TITUS Illuminate
TITUS Automatically Identifies and Classifies Unstructured Data to Prevent Breaches and Meet Governance Requirements

SAN FRANCISCO, March 1, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- (RSA Conference 2016 Booth 1215 – South Expo Hall) According to a recent Forrester report, data discovery and classification is an often-overlooked yet critical component of data security and control. TITUS, the market leader in data classification and protection of email, documents and other unstructured data, today announced the launch of its data discovery and classification tool, TITUS Illuminate. Already in use by large enterprise organizations, TITUS Illuminate examines and automatically classifies files discovered on-premises as well as in the Cloud. Visit to learn more.


Illuminate features include the ability to:

  • Discover data in network file shares, SharePoint, as well as cloud shares such as SharePoint Online, OneDrive, Dropbox and Box to determine where sensitive data resides.
  • Identify the business value of data so an organization knows what data it has and how it should be protected.
  • Classify any file type based on the content (PCI, PII, PHI or intellectual property), context or file properties (author, location, etc).
  • Apply content protection to files where they reside, quarantine files that are stored inappropriately, or flag files for follow-up where risks are identified based on the combination of content and location.
  • Analyze data with built-in analytics and reports or through third-party business intelligence tools to help identify risk areas for the organization.
  • Integrate with other security solutions such as DLP and ERM that can access TITUS metadata to enforce appropriate protection policies.
  • Work seamlessly with TITUS Classification Suite to enforce rules on files in motion, ensuring the right people have access to the right information at the right time.

Tim Upton, founder and CEO, TITUS said:
"The amount of data being created, shared and stored is growing exponentially, and with people accessing and storing information in a multitude of network and cloud repositories, sensitive data could be anywhere. With TITUS Illuminate, organizations now have a way to easily and effectively discover, identify and analyze all of the files that an organization has stored either within the walls of the company or in the Cloud. TITUS is the only data classification vendor that does this type of comprehensive data inventory and analysis."

TITUS solutions enable organizations to classify, protect, analyze and confidently share information, and meet regulatory compliance requirements by identifying and securing unstructured data. TITUS products enhance data loss prevention by classifying and protecting sensitive information in emails, documents and other file types – on the desktop, on mobile devices, and in the Cloud. TITUS solutions are trusted by millions of users in over 60 countries around the world. Its customers include Dell, Provident Bank, Dow Corning, Safran Morpho, United States Air Force, NATO, Pratt and Whitney, Canadian Department of National Defence, and Australian Department of Defence

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Media Contact:

Laura Schaub 

Nicole Baker

Nadel Phelan, Inc. 

PR Manager – TITUS



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