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Particles for Humanity Presented Poster at American Society for Nutrition Conference

CHICAGO, July 24, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Particles for Humanity was selected to present a poster at the American Society for Nutrition 2024 Conference in Chicago, Illinois. The poster showcased the importance of manufacturing process conditions on the stability of PFH-VAP, the company's lead vitamin A product.

PFH-VAP, which is designed for use in large scale food fortification, has a >4x stability advantage in bouillon over another commercial product. The goal is to help address vitamin A deficiency in settings where it is most prevalent, such as in Africa and South Asia. Commercial forms of vitamin A are unstable in high heat and humidity, so PFH-VAP's stability advantage in these conditions will help get more vitamin A to the people who need it most. When used to fortify staple foods like bouillon, sugar, and wheat flour, PFH-VAP has the potential to increase vitamin A intake in hundreds of millions of people throughout Africa.

Manufacturing PFH-VAP requires converting an emulsion (i.e. a mixture of oil and water), containing vitamin A, into dry PFH-VAP powder. Particles for Humanity studied the effect of different mixing conditions on the stability of the dry vitamin A produced. Many emulsion recipes were prepared using the same ingredients, but different mixing conditions, and then dried into PFH-VAP. The product stability was then measured after cooking and storage in hot and humid conditions. PFH found that the emulsion preparation process has a direct effect on stability of the dry PFH-VAP powder. The mixing conditions that maximize stability were identified for future use.

Particles for Humanity also presented a poster alongside its clinical study partner, the University of Wisconsin-Madison, which detailed the design of Particles for Humanity's upcoming absorption study. The clinical study is being led by Sherry Tanumihardjo, PhD, Professor, Department of Nutritional Sciences and Bryan M Gannon, PhD, Scientist, Department of Nutritional Sciences.

The American Society for Nutrition Conference is an annual flagship meeting which offers new, original science presentations from researchers, global and public health professionals, policymakers, and advocacy leaders. Scientific symposia and educational sessions focused on global and public health nutrition, climate and food systems, clinical translational nutrition, and more. 

Particles for Humanity transforms early-stage medical technology into products for people living in low and lower-middle income countries. It is developing a portfolio of products with funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Mulago Foundation, and King Philanthropies. Its rigorous product development process is based on end-user input and is focused on financially sustainable product opportunities. Visit or contact

SOURCE Particles for Humanity