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DHS Secretary to Address Eradicate Hate Global Summit

PITTSBURGH, Sept. 26, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- The U.S. Government's point man on combating hate-fueled extremism, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro N. Mayorkas, will address the world's most comprehensive, multi-disciplinary conference to counter violent hate – the Eradicate Hate Global Summit.

Secretary Mayorkas will speak to the Summit in Pittsburgh, PA on Wednesday, September 27, 2023, at 1:00 PM ET (17:00 UTC).

Hate-fueled extremism is escalating to epidemic proportions. The numbers likely understate the problem. The FBI reports that hate crimes in the U.S. rose to nearly 11,000 in 2021 (the most recent year crime stats were published). And experts say the escalation is continuing.

The 2023 Eradicate Hate Global Summit will bring together, for three days, experts from around the globe, representing a wide and diverse array of expertise, including representatives from the United Nations and other international agencies, the U.S. and foreign governments, academia, NGOs, law enforcement, journalists, medicine, social work, tech platforms, video games, and researchers, as well as survivors and families of victims of hate-motivated violence.

The Summit's agenda shows the broad range of subjects that the Summit will explore. However, the conference will not merely discuss the issues; its mission is to drive global action toward practical solutions having a real-world impact.

The news media extensively covers the tragic acts of hate-fueled extremism, as they should. But the search for solutions – not as much. The Eradicate Hate Global Summit encourages the media to put the same journalistic spotlight on the worldwide, multi-disciplinary drive to develop and deploy effective solutions to reduce the prevalence of hate-fueled violence.

Media Registration: Registration for media representatives is free. Register HERE.

  • Journalists also may attend virtually via a live stream. For online registration, go HERE.

Additional details:

  • WHEN: September 27-29, 2023
  • WHERE: The David L. Lawrence Convention Center, 1000 Fort Duquesne Blvd., Pittsburgh, PA.
  • LIVE STREAM REGISTRATION: There is no fee for live streaming. Register Here.

SOURCE Eradicate Hate Global Summit