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Brazilian Healthcare Innovations, Investment and Export Opportunities on Display This Week at World's Largest Biotechnology Conference

ApexBrasil and Abiquifi to sponsor 44 Brazilian biotechnology and HealthTech enterprises and startups at first in-person BIO International Convention Since 2019

SAN DIEGO, June 13, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- ApexBrasil, the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency, is partnering with Abiquifi, the Brazilian Association of Pharmaceutical Inputs Industry, to showcase innovations and opportunities from the Brazilian biotechnology sector at the BIO International Convention, taking place this week in San Diego. With expectations of more than 10,000 attendees, 3,000 international and domestic companies, and 250 biotech companies on the trade show floor, the Brazilian companies attending BIO Convention 2022 will make connections with potential partners, buyers, suppliers, investors, and customers.

During BIO, the Brazilian companies, which include both smaller startups as well as larger, more established enterprises, will have the chance to not only showcase their innovations on the trade show floor at BIO but they will also have the opportunity to benefit from complementary sessions arranged by ApexBrasil and Abiquifi, including:

  • "VII Summit Brasil": Before the start of BIO, the Brazilian delegation of companies and partners will come together at the University of California at San Diego for private and public sector discussions on the government's strategy to position Brazil as a leading international biotechnology player, the importance of biodiversity in the development of new pharmaceutical drugs in Brazil, and recent investments in research for the sector. The Summit will provide the companies attending with a foundation of the most relevant challenges and trends also relevant to U.S. audiences, enabling them to tailor discussions during BIO with potential partners, investors, and customers.
  • "Brazilian Startup Day": On the third day of BIO, the Brazilian startups will attend seminars with biotechnology leaders. Additionally, a select number of Brazilian startups will be given the opportunity to present their business plans to investors during meetings organized by ApexBrasil and Abiquifi. The objective of these business meetings is to offer the opportunity for potential negotiation discussions with U.S. companies, as well as for forging new mentoring relationships.

Sergio Rossi, Investment Officer at ApexBrasil said: "Brazil is not only the largest health market in Latin America due to the size of our population – the country is also a burgeoning innovation hub, with a growing number of healthcare and HealthTech companies emerging as important players solving some of today's most pressing challenges. There are more than 1,151 HealthTech startups in Brazil, making advancements in areas ranging from personalized cancer care, to in vitro diagnostics (IVD) that help detect diseases and monitor health as part of preventative care. We are confident that foreign investors and venture capitalists will find the startups in the sector are extremely attractive as investment opportunities – and Brazil is also a ripe trade partner, with unique healthcare and biotechnology products that can immediately be exported. We are here at BIO to help these companies make meaningful connections that will help Brazil reach our goal of building a more robust pharmaceutical production chain in the next 10 years."

Some of the global companies with a regional presence that will attend BIO with the Brazilian delegation include Eli Lilly, Janssen, Sanofi, and Servier. These companies will have booths and be available to discuss advancements they are making in Brazil specifically, in addition to leading discussions during the Brazilian Startup Day about how to grow and scale innovations. Additionally, Brazil-based startups at BIO include but are not limited to:

  • Bioptamers: Bioptamers develop personalized molecules to that target cancer cells with precision through a technology 30 times more cost-effective than traditional treatments. Their solution aims to beat cancer in a personalized, precise and affordable way. They have filed provisional patent and PCT application for their platform of nanocarriers.
  • LizarBio Therapeutics: Brazilian startup that develops cell therapies based on pluripotent stem cells. They are developing therapies for patients with heart and neurological problems, with the foundational belief that cell therapy is the future of regenerative medicine.
  • Celluris: Celluris is a preclinical stage CAR-T therapy company, advancing CAR-T therapy in solid tumors field, through proprietary RfuCAR® platform. RfuCAR® was engineering in order to respond some challenges addressed by clinical trials around the world, such as the imunossupressive tumor microenvironment. In addition, their platform encompasses a switch on/off/modulation system in order to control toxicity.
  • NAIAD: NAIAD develops new molecules of high pharmacological potential. They focused on the development of new and innovative drugs that act on G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), the largest family of drug target proteins today, utilizing computer screening techniques and AI.
  • Nanoceuticals: Nanoceuticals utilizes their nanotech and biotech platforms to solve technical problems in the innovation processes of companies in the life sciences industries. They use they different platforms to solve chemical instability in raw materials, solubility of ingredients, drug pharmacokinetic problems, low active molecule effectiveness and the development of biomimetic peptides.
  • Biotimize: Biotimize is an early-stage biotech company with a focus on bioprocess development. They believe they can change lives through biotechnology. Their innovative business model is based on Biotechnology as a Service (BaaS), in which they accelerate bioprocess development and optimization from bacteria, yeast, and mammalian cell cultures. They intend to be the first biological CDMO in Brazil and are fundraising.

Healthcare and life sciences are key priority sectors for ApexBrasil and Brazil as a country, with a growing number of investments dedicated to research and development in biotechnology, concerted efforts by the Brazilian Ministry of Health to regularly communicate medical needs with manufacturers to allow for more strategic planning, and the widespread support of startups that are innovating in critical areas. To learn more about other trade sectors ApexBrasil supports, visit:

About ApexBrasil
The Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (ApexBrasil) works to promote Brazilian products and services abroad, and to attract foreign investment to strategic sectors of the Brazilian economy. ApexBrasil organizes several initiatives aiming to promote Brazilian exports abroad. The Agency's efforts comprise trade and prospective missions, business rounds, support for the participation of Brazilian companies in major international trade fairs, arrangement of technical visits of buyers and opinion makers to learn about the Brazilian productive structure, and other select activities designed to strengthen the country's branding abroad. ApexBrasil also plays a leading role in attracting foreign direct investment (FDI) to Brazil, by working to identify business opportunities, promoting strategic events and lending support to foreign investors willing to allocate resources in Brazil. ApexBrasil is an agency linked to the Brazilian Foreign Ministry (Itamaraty).

Media Contact
Savanna Fuller
Ruder Finn – PR on behalf of ApexBrasil in the U.S.  


SOURCE ApexBrasil