News Releases

The Edge AI and Vision Alliance Announces Three Hands-On Open-Source Training Classes for Computer Vision and AI in 2020
Computer Vision Courses on TensorFlow 2.0 + Keras, OpenCV and PyTorch Open Up Innovation for Developers

SANTA CLARA, Calif., March 5, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- The Edge AI and Vision Alliance (formerly the Embedded Vision Alliance) today announced an expanded lineup of three full-day, hands-on training classes for innovators adding computer vision and AI to products. The classes, titled "Deep Learning for Computer Vision with TensorFlow 2.0 and Keras," "Deep Learning for Computer Vision with PyTorch" and "Computer Vision Applications in OpenCV," all leverage popular open-source frameworks and will be held on May 18, 2020, in conjunction with the ninth annual Embedded Vision Summit being held in Santa Clara, California on May 18-21. 

The TensorFlow 2.0 and Keras course provides an accelerated introduction to TensorFlow 2.0 and Keras for creation and training of models for computer vision applications. The class has been updated to cover the latest features of TensorFlow and will be taught by Doug Perry, a Google Developer Expert.

The Alliance's OpenCV class, which started last year, introduces developers to building real-world applications in OpenCV, the world's most popular open-source computer vision library. Attendees will learn how to use OpenCV to implement algorithms like image classification, object detection, face recognition and more. The class will be taught by Dr. Matt Flagg, a Principal of Flagg Visual Computing LLC and consultant for companies in computer vision.

The PyTorch course is new to the Summit this year. It focuses on deep learning using the PyTorch framework, one of the most popular deep learning libraries right now. Developers will touch on the basics, work with multi-layer perceptron networks for image classification and end with convolutional neural networks. The class will be taught by Dr. Satya Mallick, the Interim CEO of the OpenCV Foundation and a partner at Big Vision LLC.

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The Edge AI and Vision Alliance is a worldwide industry partnership bringing together technology providers and end product companies who are creating and enabling innovative and practical applications for computer vision and edge AI. Membership is open to any company that supplies or uses technology for edge AI and vision systems and applications. For more information, visit

Brianna Crowl 
Mob: +1 (760) 687-5110


SOURCE Edge AI and Vision Alliance