News Releases

ARK® Crystal LLC Launches ARK Activation
Immersive experience exploring and directly interacting with energy dynamics of the quantum field

IRVINE, Calif., Oct. 15, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- ARK Crystal LLC, a private wearable technology provider and the exclusive manufacturer of the ARK® crystal, today announced ARK Activation, a co-created, immersive experience exploring and directly interacting with the energy dynamics of the quantum field. ARK Activation's will take place as a three-part event.

(PRNewsfoto/ARK Crystal LLC)

ARK Activation offerings include anywhere from a brief on-site lunch & learn, to a corporate wellness offering/event, from 45 minutes to 2 hours public/private event/add-on. They will be catered on a personalized level depending on the unique interests and requirements of you and your group/audience.

ARK Activation events will include:

  • Education
    • ARK crystals are designed, manufactured, and scientifically validated to provide direct benefits to their users. Activation sessions incorporate an initial education around the crystal itself and the theory behind the Advanced Resonance Kinetics technology, its effects, applications, as well as current research and development, presented by an ARK team member. This phase grounds the entire experience by providing a solid foundation to build on.
  • Experience
    • Each attendee will have the opportunity to experience the ARK crystal personally. They will interact with and apply techniques using the ARK crystal's coherent field. Following an individual experience, we can work in groups to combine multiple crystals to build larger geometric structures -amplified points of coherence. This phase of the Activation can be extended depending on the venue, group size and areas of interest.
    • Previous Activations have included offerings and/or guest features, such as sound baths, Reiki, yoga, and light movement exercises, guided meditation, acupressure, breathwork, EFT tapping, live music, and more.
  • Exchange
    • The ARK crystal has a wide range of benefits for health and vitality. Tapping into the infinite nature of the zero-point field has never been as accessible as it is now. Attendees will have the opportunity to invest in themselves and own this technology. ARK crystals are available for purchase at Activations; however, a purchase is not required for admission.

"Experiencing ARK through a live activation with many participants was amazing!" said Dr. Lori Ventura. "I have been an ARK wearer/user for over 2 years and this up leveled my appreciation of this technology exponentially."

"The entire Activation experience is, by nature and theory, a connected one. We find it important, whether a public or private event, to provide space for attendees to make connections, share and expand upon their personal experience," said Chris Almida CEO, ARK Crystal. "We are excited to launch this new series of events to help educate and engage for a universal experience. ARK Activations go a step beyond a presentation – they are a full mind-body immersive experience introducing the community to groundbreaking technology and an opportunity to experience the coherence and resonance of the united field in which we all coexist."

Upcoming ARK: Activation events will take place in in Mexico City, NYC, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey through the end of the year. For more information and a list of scheduled events, please visit 

ABOUT the ARK® crystal
ARK® crystals have been precision engineered so that they will couple to vacuum fluctuations when brought into molecular harmonic resonance interactions via the acoustic, electromechanical, and electromagnetic plasma oscillator of the HFR. Following the unified physics principles of inventor and physicist Nassim Haramein, a precise dimensional ratio was found in which the tetrahedral ARK® crystals would form optimal harmonic resonances with vacuum-coupling acoustic and electromagnetic frequencies. These structural and dimensional characteristics appear to endow the ARK® crystals with a profound ability to link with the nonlocal entanglement network and energetic dynamics of the quantum vacuum.

ARK Crystal, LLC is the first to build a scientifically proven and technologically beautiful approach to experience increased peace and personal well-being. Based on Nassim Haramein's Resonance Science, our technology as wearable art is engineered with precision to receive and emit vacuum energy — thus, structuring water, increasing its bioavailability, creating coherence, and optimizing biology for growth. Our global community of clients use their ARK crystal to experience reduced stress, increased awareness and heightened hydration levels. Founded in 2017, we are setting a new standard for personally experiencing connectedness, resonance and improving the human condition. For more information visit 

Contact: Hollie Smith, 201-312-4413,