News Releases

Snyk Acquires DevSecCon to Boost DevSecOps Community
Snyk invests in growing DevSecCon to advance the collaboration of development and security through new conferences, online resources and the global community

LONDON and BOSTON, July 24, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- Developer-first security company, Snyk, has announced the acquisition of DevSecCon, the world's premier conference dedicated to DevSecOps – the practice of building security into development processes. Together, Snyk and the DevSecCon team, led by Francois Raynaud, will partner to maintain a vendor neutral home dedicated to growing and strengthening the DevSecOps community with additional support and resources, including 4-6 global conferences in 2019-2020. Moving forward, DevSecCon will be run as a non-profit event with all proceeds and more going to community members.

"I'm excited to grow DevSecCon in a way that we can only do with a partner like Snyk," said Francois Raynaud, DevSecCon Founder and Director DevSecCon Global. "Snyk was the clear and obvious home for DevSecCon given their commitment to dev-first security, and long history of giving back to the open source and developer community. I look forward to continuing to help lead this effort and working closely with the Snyk team."

"Developers are taking on real security responsibility much earlier in the software development process and look to collaborate with peers to do it right. This makes the DevSecCon conferences and broader DevSecOps community increasingly important to modern development and security teams, helping us to collaborate and learn together," said Guy Podjarny, President and Co-Founder of Snyk.

As DevSecCon comes up on its five-year anniversary, it has become a go-to global conference for experts and practitioners to share their DevSecOps ideas and learn from their peers in talks and workshops. DevSecCon connects development and security leaders from around the world, with key events to date in Boston, Singapore, London, and Tel Aviv. Attendees learn about DevSecOps through hands-on training on topics including security as code in the development process; how to ensure secure continuous delivery; automation of security processes; and steps for creating a collaborative culture between DevOps and Security.

"Today, DevOps flourishes thanks to a strong community of practitioners who shared best practices, successes, and failures to help each other grow. The DevSecOps community needs the same collaboration and shared mission to succeed, especially as security is more critical than ever before. Snyk is partnering with DevSecCon to help provide this meeting place, in person and virtually, for developers and security teams to interact, train and learn from each other," said Podjarny.

Snyk provides a developer-first security solution that helps organizations use open source code and stay secure. Snyk enables more than 300,000 developers worldwide, spanning open source projects to enterprise organizations including Google, Microsoft, New Relic, and ASOS, to proactively find and fix open source vulnerabilities in application dependencies and container images. Snyk improves open source security by always working closely with the community through education; relationships with security champions and academia; independent researchers and foundation security groups. In 2019 Snyk also founded The Secure Developer community with a mission to educate and connect like-minded development and security professionals through virtual events, Slack channel, and a podcast hosted by Guy Podjarny.

DevSecCon Singapore was held in February of 2019 and the calendar of upcoming DevSecCon conferences through the end 2019 includes:

DevSecCon Seattle
When: September 16 - 17, 2019
Where: Block 41, 115 Bell Street, Seattle, Washington

  • Keynote Speaker: Tanya Janca, Senior Cloud Advocate at Microsoft;
  • Keynote Speaker: Julian Vehent, Security Engineering Manager at Mozilla and Author of Securing DevOps

Register here:

New: DevSecCon Tel Aviv Unconference
When: November 5, 2019
Where:  Riverside at The Daniel Rowing Center, 2 Rokach Blvd., Tel Aviv
Details: Announcing speakers and agenda soon
Register here:

DevSecCon London - Celebrating 5 years of DevSecCon in London
When: November 14-15, 2019
Where: CodeNode by Skillsmatter, 10 South Pl, London
Details: Announcing speakers and agenda soon
Register here:

About Snyk
Snyk is a developer-first security company that helps organizations use open source and stay secure.  Snyk is the only solution that seamlessly and proactively finds and fixes vulnerabilities and license violations in open source dependencies and Docker images. Snyk's solution is built on a comprehensive, proprietary vulnerability database, maintained by an expert security research team in Israel and London. With tight integration into existing developer workflows, source control (including GitHub, Bitbucket, GitLab), and CI/CD pipelines, Snyk enables efficient security workflows and reduces mean-time-to-fix. For more information or to get started with Snyk for free today, visit

SOURCE Snyk/North 6th Agency

For further information: Leigh Moore,