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16th Annual MIT Sloan CIO Symposium to Equip IT Executives to "Lead a Smarter Enterprise"
Speakers include top executives from Google, Adobe, OCC, plus MIT Thought Leaders

CAMBRIDGE, Mass., April 9, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- The 16th annual MIT Sloan CIO Symposium, a world class one-day conference, will gather more than 900 CIOs and senior business executives to learn, engage, and discuss how to lead a smarter enterprise. The Symposium will take place on May 22, 2019, from 7:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the MIT Kresge Auditorium in Cambridge, MA. Registration is still open.

The premier global conference for CIOs and digital business executives to become more effective leaders (PRNewsfoto/MIT Sloan CIO Symposium)

The Symposium will focus on the theme, "Leading a Smarter Enterprise," and will equip attendees to not only understand the revolutionary potential of insightful technologies and how to scale them, but to challenge them to act as cultural change agents, transforming their organizations for competitive advantage. Attendees will learn how to leverage emerging and evolving technologies like machine learning, AI, big data, and the cloud to create smarter organizations that are deeply engaged with their customers and other stakeholders.

Panel discussions will be led by CIOs and MIT thought leaders, including Andrew McAfee, Erik Brynjolfsson, Alex 'Sandy' Pentland, Tom Davenport, Geoff Parker, Jeanne Ross, Joe Peppard, Kristine Dery, Nils Fonstad, and Peter Weill.

"The Smarter Enterprise leverages data, AI, machine learning, and other insightful technologies to create organizations that are highly engaged with their external touchpoints," said Lindsey Anderson, Chair of the 2019 MIT Sloan CIO Symposium. "This year's Symposium will help attendees to scale across the enterprise and increase speed to market by learning to incorporate data-driven insights into every decision they make."

The Symposium will feature more than a dozen interactive panel discussions with top leaders in their fields of expertise. The full agenda is available at Highlights include:

  • Fireside Chat: "Designed for Digital: How to Architect Your Business for Sustained Success" will discuss how to adopt new value propositions without abandoning existing skills and competencies. Jeanne Ross, Principal Research Scientist, MIT Sloan Center for Information Systems Research will review her new book highlighting five building blocks companies will need for a successful transformation.
  • Panel: "Managing Organizational Explosions During Digital Transformation" will be moderated by Nick van de Meulen, Research Scientist, Center for Information Systems Research. It will discuss how to deal with the significant organizational changes (a.k.a. "explosions") that are required to progress along these transformation pathways to improve both operational efficiency and customer experience.
  • Panel: "Why Companies Need an Augmented Reality Strategy," Michael Porter of the Harvard Business School and Jim Heppelmann, CEO, PTC share their research into how human interfaces enhance the impact of digital transformations.

Other panel sessions driven by key IT leaders, practitioners, and MIT researchers include "Crafting Data Strategies that Pay Off"; "How Big Companies are Running Smarter"; "The Real Impact of Machine Learning and Robotics on the Workforce"; "Welcome to the Age of the Cloud Worker"; "System Reboot: Modernizing Your Legacy Technologies"; and more.

The Symposium will also feature this year's finalists for the prestigious MIT Sloan CIO Leadership Award and conclude with The Innovation Showcase, which connects CIOs and senior business leaders with ten carefully selected early-stage technology companies that have the potential to impact CIOs' top and bottom lines through innovative technologies.

For more information about the 2019 MIT Sloan CIO Symposium, please visit

About the MIT Sloan CIO Symposium
The MIT Sloan CIO Symposium is the premier global conference for CIOs and digital business executives to become more effective leaders. In one day, CIOs and senior IT executives explore enterprise technology innovations and business practices, and receive actionable information that enables them to meet the challenges of today and the future. The Symposium offers a unique learning environment by bringing together the academic thought leadership of MIT with the in-the-trenches experience of leading, global CIOs and industry experts. The MIT Sloan CIO Symposium is organized and developed by the MIT Sloan Boston Alumni Association, the MIT Initiative on the Digital Economy (IDE), and the MIT Sloan Center for Information Systems Research (CISR). For more information and to register for this year's Symposium, visit

Editor's Note:
Journalists interested in a press credential should contact Sadie Smith ( 717-298-1865) at Warner Communications.

SOURCE MIT Sloan CIO Symposium