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CSS to Demonstrate Scalable Internet of Things (IoT) Assurance & Trust Platform at Automotive Tech.AD and Security of Things World

CLEVELAND, Nov. 16, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Certified Security Solutions (CSS) is demonstrating its leading-edge Internet of Things (IoT) device identity and lifecycle management platform, CMS VerdeTTo™ at Tech.AD in Detroit, November 16-17 and Security of Things World in San Diego, November 16-17.

CSS will demonstrate the CMS VerdeTTo™ solution, providing certificate-based identity and enabling device authentication and encryption, alongside of presenting findings from its recent pilot that simulated the provisioning and lifecycle management of 500 million devices.

Industries of all stripes are facing a dilemma. On one hand, they are forced to embrace the concept of digitizing their business, which generally leads to deploying IoT technology. But the Internet of Things is comprised of just that, things. Things that are quite literally changing the world with a multitude of revolutionary purposes, but which lack security, making them a cybersecurity nightmare.

However, it is possible to deploy IoT in a manner that meets both business and security needs. With this conclusion, CSS developed CMS VerdeTTo™, providing complete identity lifecycle management for the IoT ecosystem. IoT security begins with building a foundation of trust through unique identity provisioning, continuous secure management and overall ecosystem integration grounded by a private Root of Trust (RoT).

At Automotive Tech.Ad and Security of Things World, CSS will present key security risks related to the connected car, and their respective solutions, along with parallel threats across the Industrial IoT (IIoT):

CMS VerdeTTo™ runs in the cloud or on-premise, supports both private certificate authorities and public certificate issuers such as Certicom™, DigiCert™ and Entrust™, and can also be deployed together with a managed Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) service that eliminates the need for ongoing maintenance and management of the PKI.

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About CSS

Certified Security Solutions (CSS) is a leading provider of software and services to securely connect people, applications and devices to business ecosystems. Our PKI Operations platform facilitates the identification, authentication, management and overall security of digital assets across the Enterprise and Internet of Things (IoT). Visit for more information

Media Contact 
Sarah Hance 

SOURCE Certified Security Solutions (CSS)