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SimplyVital Health CEO Katherine Kuzmeskas To Speak at Becker's Healthcare Conference

BLOOMFIELD, Conn., Sept. 20, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Katherine Kuzmeskas, CEO of SimplyVital Health, the blockchain startup reinventing the healthcare data system, has been invited to speak at Becker's Hospital Review 3rd Annual Health IT + Revenue Cycle Conference in Chicago. While there, Kuzmeskas will address the potential blockchain technology has for streamlining existing healthcare data sharing and storage infrastructure, as well as the possibilities it presents for an all-new healthcare ecosystem. The conference is scheduled for September 21 – 23, 2017.

Kuzmeskas, who was named to Fortune's "34 Leaders Who Are Changing Healthcare" list earlier this year, will discuss the transformative possibilities of blockchain within the established healthcare infrastructure in the session "Practical Uses and Thoughts on Blockchain in Healthcare".

"It's an incredible honor to be invited by Becker's to discuss with many leaders in healthcare IT the revolutionary potential blockchain technology represents to the industry without onerous onboarding requirements," says Kuzmeskas. "Having come from both a community health center and a large health system, I have seen a lot of well-intentioned health care technology not make it because it was too difficult, time consuming, or altering of existing processes to use. As a company, SimplyVital Health is committed to ensuring ease of use, innovation, and efficiency."

SimplyVital Health is leveraging blockchain technology to create a streamlined data sharing and storage ecosystem, called Health Nexus, that seamlessly integrates with existing electronic healthcare record systems. This open-source healthcare ecosystem also allows healthcare providers to create innovative and exciting new healthcare products and services within a safe and secure network.

SimplyVital Health is leveraging the immutable nature of blockchain technology to help lower the costs of bundled payments for proof of provided care and to ensure patients see their treatment all the way through. By integrating with existing systems, onboarding costs are minimized, but the full potential of blockchain technology can still be realized within the Health Nexus ecosystem.

In her talk on Saturday September 23rd, Kuzmeskas will address pragmatic approaches to introducing blockchain technology to the wider healthcare community, as well as the advantages and disadvantages public versus private blockchains represent. To learn more about how SimplyVital Health envisions a better healthcare infrastructure through blockchain, visit

Contact: Christopher DeMorro, 1-860-575-0455,

SOURCE SimplyVital Health