News Releases

Cyber Resilience for Port Security
SMi Reports: Growing concerns for the security and safety of ports and lack of manpower to deter threats and ensure facilities, cargo and personnel remain safe; increasingly, port authorities have turn to technology as a key enabler to defend and manage the sea ports.

LONDON, March 22, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- "Port Security continues to grow in importance. Politically, militarily and economically, ports are the vital enabler for global trade. Unfortunately, risks also continue to proliferate, and now more than ever maritime and port authorities need to look to technology and not just manned guarding to deter threats and ensure facilities, cargo and personnel remain safe." Chris Maritime Security Operations (MAROPS) Limited

With growing concerns for the security and safety of ports and lack of manpower to deter threats and ensure facilities, cargo and personnel remain safe; increasingly, port authorities have turned to technology as a key enabler to defend and manage the sea ports.

However, dependence on technology also brings the risk of cyber-attacks. There is, therefore, a need for a high level meeting that brings together leading port operators and law enforcement involved in security technology development, alongside leading industry solution providers to discuss how the latest advancements in technology can help secure our container, chemical, bulk and ferry ports and enhance control over port security network and safeguard against potential cyber threats.

Following this, SMi's 8th annual Port Security Technology conference shall bring together key stakeholders from across the community to help provide a better understanding of the risks to ports and how they can be mitigated. The conference will also have a strong focus on cyber resilience to enable attendees to share experience as well as prevention methods.

A lively debate to discuss the current threats to port computer networks and learn about what port authorities and security firms are doing to prevent a major cyber threats. This is also a perfect platform to develop a collaborative approach to counter threats.

The 8th annual event will also feature an all new exclusive half day post conference workshop on "A Devil's Advocate Approach to Port Security" hosted by Captain John Dalby, CEO, Marine Risk Management/Globalert Africa, taking place on the 21st June, 2017.

The 2-day programme will provide a complete focus on security technology and its importance to the preservation of life and property in ports and at sea as well as enable you to explore the most important topics to date such as cyber resilience, security automation and counter-terrorism.

For those looking to attend, there is £300 early bird offer available online ending on 31st March 2017.

Further information is available at

8th Annual Port Security Technology

19th – 20th June 2017

Holiday Inn Kensington Forum, London, UK

Media: Contact Theresa Chung on