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Export Portal & Herald New Era of Blockchain Leaders at International Conferences

GLENDALE, Calif., June 9, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Several Blockchain focused events have taken place over the past few weeks from New York to Madrid to Guiyang, Guizhou, China.  The acknowledgment of Blockchain's importance by such luminaries such as Fidelity Investments CEO Abigail Johnson, noted technology author Alex Tapscott, and Chinese startup Xcener Blockchain.  Export Portal applauds the speakers and their contribution to the Blockchain conversion.

Export Portal & Herald New Era of Blockchain Leaders at International Conferences

Export Portal has introduced a new model of secured international trade with information that is encrypted and shared in real time amongst parties involved.'s private Blockchain data is tamperproof, so all buyers and sellers' most important transactional details are encrypted, timestamped, and tracked throughout the entire transaction. This private Blockchain data is updated at every step for all parties – cutting down on intermediaries, speeding up communication and transaction details, and decreasing delivery time while increasing trust among parties because they are interdependent on each block. This data block progress from buyer to seller, through insurance companies, logistic providers, shippers, and even financial institutions happens at digital speed. The amount of time that has traditionally been spent waiting across time zones and dependent on several layers of third parties can be shortened immensely. A company's bill of sale, insurance, shipping information, payment methods, contact information, instructions and other pertinent details are kept as part of a shared digital ledger that all parties can access.

Export Portal's private Blockchain trading system resonates with several Blockchain leaders and thinkers. At the Consensus 2017 event in May, Abigail Johnson discussed the need for industry wide collaboration to help private Blockchain technology reach its "full potential."  She went on to say, "Part of the reason I am here is to ask this community to help us address some of the hurdles that we see…and there are several that are holding back the adoption of this technology."

Alex Tapscott of Blockchain Research Institute and Northwest Passage Ventures spoke at DES2017 about moving to the second generation of the Internet adding that, "The most important thing is to start to implement this technology straight away.  Blockchain represents the fourth industrial revolution and will have an impact on all the world's businesses, changing the nature of organizations." 

Xcener Blockchain, a Chinese startup focused on food security-related Big Data Technology for the application of food Blockchain-based tracking at China International Big Data Industry Expo 2017 said that, "Blockchain-stored data are acknowledged by famous banks in the U.S., Japan and Singapore, such as Goldman Sachs, HSBC and Mitsubishi Bank."  Speaking of using smart contracts at a large scale, "At every link of the chain, a smart contract saves on management cost."

Export Portal CEO Ally Spinu agrees with Ms. Johnson when she stated that collaboration is key to unlocking private Blockchain technology's full potential. As a global leader in international trade that utilizes the private Blockchain system, Export Portal has created solutions many entrepreneurs and businesses have been waiting for. Export Portal's implementation of the private Blockchain system on its online platform is sparking the transition towards safer and faster transactions.

Export Portal's entire team salutes all three leaders and thinkers of the Blockchain movement. The time for private Blockchain trading is now! Export Portal invites entrepreneurs from around the world to join and experience first-hand the best e-Commerce solution that helps businesses from the bottom, up.

For more information, visit or call at (800) 289-0015.



For further information: John Zahaitis, Telephone: (800) 289-0015, Email:, Website: