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Back-to-School with Math Motivators-Help Create a Brighter Future Through Success in Math

SCHAUMBURG, Ill., July 27, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- At The Actuarial Foundation, we are committed to helping young people reach their potential in math. Higher levels of math proficiency mean a higher quality of life, personally and professionally. Through our Math Motivators Tutoring Program, we work to ensure EVERY young person has the tools they need. As we prepare for the new academic year, we invite you to invest in the futures of the students we serve with our Back-to-School Campaign throughout the month of August. Let's make sure they go back to school ready for success!

Math Motivators serves over 1,500 students nationwide. Of the 1,500 students, two are exceptionally gifted sisters, Princess and Majesty Moore. In 2021 both sisters were placed in accelerated courses; however, soon after that, both began experiencing struggles in math. Princess was in danger of failing, and Majesty was going unchallenged. According to their mother, Shernett:

"Princess always used to struggle with math. She was highly motivated, but her math brain hadn't turned on. We watched her work for hours, crying because she couldn't do it by herself.

Majesty never struggled in math that way, but she had her own issue. She would do everything they asked of her in class, but she was never challenged. It wasn't enough."

Shernett and her husband tried everything they could to help their daughters, including stretching their budget to pay for private tutors. Yet the girls didn't see the improvement they knew themselves capable of. That's when they learned of the Math Motivators Tutoring Program.

"Once Princess joined, I could just see the confidence building. We started in November, and by the time we reached the end of the school year, her final grade was a B+. She would come home and say things like, yes, Mom; I killed it! Just being excited about doing the work. She got that from being in the program.

And For Majesty, with the support of Math Motivators, her tutor really pushed her, believed in her, and supported her every step of the way. And even though she's working hard, she's still having fun."

Thanks to the generosity of our donors and volunteers, thousands of young people now feel confident in math with the support of Math Motivators.

To help us continue giving the gift of math education, please take the time to learn more about the organization and consider making a financial contribution by August 31st at We are grateful for your support and look forward to sharing your donation's impact.

About The Actuarial Foundation

The Actuarial Foundation, a 501(c)(3) organization, is the philanthropic institution for the actuarial industry in the United States. The mission of the Foundation is to enhance math education and financial literacy through the talents and resources of actuaries. The Foundation's vision is an educated public in pursuit of a secure financial future. Further information is available at: 

Contact: Jessica Jablonski
The Actuarial Foundation

SOURCE The Actuarial Foundation