News Releases

Garnacha/Grenache wine arrives in New York City with its European quality schemes

The Association Garnacha Origen from Spain and the Conseil Interprofessionnel des Vins du Roussillon (CIVR) from France will bring the benefits of Garnacha/Grenache wines to the American public at New York's most iconic industry trade show, Vinexpo.

The event will be held on March 8th -9th and will highlight the European quality schemes surrounding Grenache, a variety that is very much on the rise in the U. S..

NEW YORK, March 2, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Garnacha/Grenache Wines will be present at the prominent Vinexpo Fair in New York City (booth nº 208) that will take place on March 8th and 9th. It will be a great opportunity for Americans to learn all about Garnacha/Grenache, i.e. its history, its origin, the diversity of its grapes and wines, as well as its European Quality Systems.

Garnacha/Grenache wine arrives in New York City with its European quality schemes

In addition, within the fair, there will be a masterclass entitled "Introduction to Quality Garnacha/Grenache Wines" led by one of the world's foremost experts Eric Aracil, Associated Manager of this European program, Garnacha/Grenache Quality Wines, and Carolina de Funes, Manager of European Garnacha/Grenache Quality Wines. Both will provide the public with knowledge about the seventh most planted grape variety, its European quality standards, its Geographical Indications (PDO and PGI), its food safety, traceability, labeling, and nutritional aspects related to the environment and sustainability.

Vinexpo attendees will also be able to taste first-hand the different European Garnacha/Grenache wines and the numerous pairing possibilities they offer.

Garnacha/Grenache's great capacity to adapt to different climatic changes and its excellent response in ripening and winemaking have made it the grape of choice among the public and among many wineries and professionals, such as the American critic James Suckling, who awarded it 92 points. The wine critic, Robert Parker, is also a great lover of this variety and comments: "Grenache has basically been disregarded for the last century. I find myself buying more and more Grenache based wines as I get older".

The US is the leading wine consuming country by volume. Garnacha/Grenache sales in this country reached 30,544 hectoliters worth $55.6 million in 2021, 4.1% more than in 2019 (according to Nielsen). Over the last ten years, the advance is estimated at 47.2%. This increase is achieved because there is great interest among the North American public for this variety. The reasons can be explained by its taste, its value ($12.8 per bottle), and because it is ideal for making rosé wine, which is very popular in the US, especially for the new high-style rosés.

The International Competition Grenaches du Monde moves to the USA

Until now, the International Competition Grenaches du Monde has been held in Europe, but in 2023 will be the first time the International Competition Grenache du Monde leaves the Old World to land in the heart of New York under the slogan "From Europe to the World". This time only the best American palates of the wine industry will taste and award the best Garnacha/Grenache wines of the world.

In addition to the delocalized tasting in June, on September 14th, as it is tradition, the pre- International Garnacha/Grenache day will be celebrated paying homage to the winners of the 11th edition of International Competition Grenaches du Monde at a gala in New York City. Garnacha/Grenache will be present in this magical night that will take place among the skyscrapers of New York; it will be the main protagonist of a great meeting of experts and great personalities, a unique opportunity that wine lovers should not miss.

These activities are part of a promotional campaign co-financed by the E.U., "European Garnacha/Grenache Quality Wines", which will run until February 2024.

About Asociación Garnacha Origen de España

The Association for the Promotion of Garnacha Wine (Garnacha Origin) brings together five Spanish Protected Designations of Origin (Somontano, Terra Alta, Cariñena, Calatayud and Campo de Borja) and their stakeholders, including individual producers, agricultural research institutes such as CITA (Aragon Center for Agrifood Research and Technology), and other public organizations such as AREX (Aragon Foreign Trade and Investment Agency). All the wines promoted by Garnacha Origen are single-varietal Garnacha (>85% of their content, according to European regulations) and have PDO certification. With some 5,500 viticulturists and 144 wineries, the five PDOs that primarily cultivate Garnacha cultivate 34,945 hectares.

About Wines of Roussillon

Shaped like an amphitheater and nestled in the south of France, between Spain, the Mediterranean Sea, the Pyrenees, and the Corbières mountains, Roussillon is known for its diversity of wines and terroirs. The unique geology and microclimates of the region allow each of the 25 authorized grape varieties to reach their maximum expression in these soils. The region encompasses a community of 2,200 winegrowing families, 25 cooperatives, and 350 private wineries. With its unique mosaic of microterroirs, Roussillon offers a diverse range of red, white, and rosé wines (14 PDOs and 3 PGIs), including dry still wines and Vins Doux Naturels (fortified sweet wines).

SOURCE European Garnacha/Grenache Quality Wines

For further information: European Garnacha/Grenache Quality Wines Program,