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The 300 world-wide Cittaslow to gather at the Assembly in Orvieto on 10-11-12 June 2022 - Orvieto (Terni) - Palazzo del Capitano del Popolo.

ORVIETO, Italy, June 9, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- 

How to transfer the "good living" of the Cittaslow to the metropolitan districts of large cities.

Cittaslow means planning and realizing a positive future and community promoting peace and everyday sustainable activities. Despite the structural signs of crisis that characterize our day and age and the prevailing economic and social model that is crumbling, it is possible here and now to imagine and implement a quality future that does not necessarily end up being invasive and for the planet.

The Mayors of the Cittaslow International are starting to travel to Orvieto. Almost two hundred mayors are expected to arrive, despite the travel difficulties in some countries such as China. The President of Cittaslow, Mauro Migliorini, Mayor of Asolo, will open the assembly on Friday 10th June with a round table dedicated to the Cittaslow Metropolis Project.

A round table conversation with questions and answers is scheduled at 4 p.m. in Palazzo del Capitano del Popolo (free admission subject to availability places, in compliance with Covid prescriptions - online on the Cittaslow Facebook page). "Cittaslow Metropolis, the laboratory of the future" - A contradiction that sets a precedent: when and how the metropolis takes on slow qualities.

Greetings by the President of Cittaslow International, Mauro Migliorini, Mayor of Asolo.

Moderator: Pier Giorgio Oliveti, Secretary General of Cittaslow International.

Participants: Tunç Soyer Vice President Cittaslow, Coordinator of the Cittaslow Turkish Network, Mayor of Izmir, Walter Ganapini Italian environmentalist, lecturer and researcher, honorary member of the Scientific Committee of the European Environment Agency, Sohn Dehyun, Academic at Seoul University, Coordinator of the Korean Network of Cittaslow Giacomo Degli Antoni, Professor of Political Economy and International Relations at the University of Parma, Giuseppe Roma, Scientific Committee of Cittaslow, President of the Rur / Urban Network of Representations Presentation in Orvieto of the "Cittaslow Metropolis"; project in a world premiere.

Secretary General Oliveti explains, "After two years, we have concluded with the pilot project in three districts of Izmir (Turkey) to bring 'good living'; from small and medium-sized cities to the metropolis. A great success, the result of the work of an international team of Italian, French, Turkish and South Korean collaborators. It is a new customised method for large cities with a slow value grid, the participation of citizens and stakeholders, for a choice linked to the specific needs of neighbourhoods, which differ from one place to the next. Hence the concrete actions with Cittaslow projects in every field, chosen and co-decided by the inhabitants of the neighbourhoods." 

The Mayor of Izmir/Smirne (a megalopolis of about 5 million inhabitants) and Vice President of Cittaslow International, Tunç Soyer will be in Orvieto, along with the Coordinator of the South Korean Cittaslow Network, Prof. Bon Sohn Univ. Seoul, Walter Ganapini, an Italian lecturer and researcher, member of the Scientific Committee of the European Environment Agency, Prof. Giacomo Degli Antoni, professor of political economy and international relations at the University of Parma. The discussion will be opened by the President of Cittaslow International Mauro Migliorini, Mayor of Asolo. The following day, Saturday 11 morning, the Mayors associated with Cittaslow will begin the general assembly to which about 160 mayors and delegates have signed up, from Korea to Germany, from Poland to Brazil. The architect Vicente Guallart from Barcelona (Spain) will be a special guest.

Media Contact:
Luca Filippetti 
Ph. +39 0763341818

SOURCE Cittaslow International