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CIVC 2020 Grandly Opens Making the Strongest Voice of Capital

CHONGQING, China, Oct. 28, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- On October 23, Chongqing International Venture Conference (CIVC) 2020 held a grand opening, officially launching a feast of ideas to explore the future trends of capital under the theme of "Intelligence · Innovation · Entrepreneurship" and making today's strongest voice of capital in Chongqing.

With a global vision, CIVC 2020 is an international, professional-based, and industry-oriented event that gathers top investment institutions around the world to offer targeted development suggestions to industries and sectors. The conference is hosted by Western (Chongqing) Science City and co-organized by Chongqing Local Financial Supervision and Administration Bureau, Chongqing Science and Technology Bureau, the People's Government of Shapingba District, Chongqing, and Chongqing Yufu Holding Group, and implemented by IDG World Expo China. It gathers nearly a hundred capital leaders, 50 investment and financing institutions, 500 enterprises, and an online and offline audience of nearly 10 million people. 15 projects have been signed at the conference with a total contract value of RMB 67.5 million. By interpreting global VC trends and identifying investment opportunities, the conference offers new ideas and directions for Chongqing's Development.

Chongqing Gathers Expertise and Makes the Strongest Voice of Capital

The recent two decades has witnessed Chinese investment institutions fully support the development of scientific and technological innovation and development with capital, and boost economic structural adjustment and industrial transformation and upgrades, making remarkable contributions to China's economic growth. The sector as a whole, including professionals, the number of institutions, and the amount and number of managed funds, has seen explosive growth.

The opening ceremony and main forum of CIVC 2020 was presided over by Mr. Bo Li, deputy mayor of Chongqing Municipal Government. Several guests delivered remarks during the session, including Liangzhi Tang, deputy secretary of the CPC Committee and mayor of Chongqing; Jianping Wang, director-general of the Department of Market Supervision II, China Securities Regulatory Commission; Zhihua Yang, deputy secretary of the CPC Committee and chairman of the Board of Supervisors of Shenzhen Stock Exchange; Bo Que, member of the CPC Committee and executive vice president of Shanghai Stock Exchange; Rongsa Zhong, member of the CPC Committee and vice president of Asset Management Association of China; Haitao Jin, chief managing partner of Qianhai Fund of Funds; and Ran Peleg, Consul General of Israel to Chengdu. Jim Breyer, founder of Breyer Capital, also delivered remarks via VCR.

At the conference, Mr. Xue Xiong, deputy Mayor of Chongqing Municipal Government and secretary of the Party Working Committee of Chongqing Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone, released financial policies in relation to Western (Chongqing) Science City. Several guests delivered keynote speeches, including Michael Yi, partner and co-CIO of Hillhouse Capital Group; Bing Xiao, president of Fortune Capital; Wenzhong Zhang, founder of Wumart Stores, chairman of Dmall, founding chairman of Taikang Group, and angel investor of Mashang Consumer Finance Co., Ltd.; and Guangfu Cui, partner of IDG Capital.

In her remarks, Ms. Rongsa Zhong, member of the CPC Committee and vice president of Asset Management Association of China, said, against the global spreading of the COVID-19 pandemic and the world's economic downturn, Chongqing presents an encouraging and motivating grand blueprint by launching the major program of "Innovation, Intelligence, and Entrepreneurship" to construct a western highland for scientific and technological innovation and VC. The association would put full efforts to support Chongqing's construction of an innovation highland, with the anticipation of Chongqing to lead innovation and investment practice.

In his remarks, Mr. Jim Breyer, founder of Breyer Capital, said, AI is just at the very beginning of where enormous opportunities will come. Breyer Capital and IDG have made over 100 investments in early-stage technology companies, looking at some of the very best entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial opportunities in Chongqing, and they will continue to see tremendous opportunities in areas such as advanced manufacturing, artificial intelligence, and 5G.

At the summit dialogue under the theme of "Intelligence · Innovation · Entrepreneurship" presided over by Mr. Hugo Shong, founding chairman of IDG Capital, in-depth exchanges on the current capital VC investment and financing trends and how to support the development of industries and sectors were held among Hao Chen, president of Legend Capital; Ruigang Li, founding partner of CMC Capital Group; Zhengdong Ni, chairman and founder of Zero2IPO Group; James Shen, vice president of Qualcomm and managing director of Qualcomm Ventures; Wei Li, founding partner and chairman of Green Pine Capital Partners; Min Wang, Changjiang Scholar, distinguished professor, deputy director of the Academic Committee of Central Academy of Fine Arts, and founding partner of Huajin Huiyuan Management Fund.

The project signing ceremony of CIVC 2020 was also held at the opening ceremony. Chongqing Industry Guiding Fund, Chongqing Angel Investment Guiding Fund, Chongqing Yufu Holding Group, and Chongqing Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone signed 15 cooperation agreements with IDG Capital, Green Pine Capital Partners, Linghang Ventures, CMB International, and BOE Technology Group, with a total contract amount of up to RMB 67.555 billion.

A Multi-perspective Analysis for Predictable Investment Opportunities in Uncertainties

2020 is special in terms of the international, social, and economic environment. It is also a year when the capital market intensifies reforms and all key measures take place. An improved and multi-layered capital market system is rapidly taking shape and there are more exit channels in the Chinese private equity investment market. For an investment institution, how should it improve itself and explore value in the changing environment? How should it grasp certainty in the turbulence of uncertainties to lower investment risks and maintain returns?

At this conference, extensive exploration is held focusing on VC, equity investment, merger investment, and fitech. It gathers over 10 international VC organizations and institutions, including UNDP SDG Impact Finance (UNSIF), IDG Capital, Breyer Capital, Qualcomm Ventures, Hillhouse Capital Group, Silicon Valley Incubator, and 50 domestically leading VC, private, and equity investment and financing institutions, including Fortune Capital, Legend Capital, Green Pine Capital Partners, and ASB Ventures, where inspirations are spackled in the collision of thoughts. Besides the opening ceremony and main forum, the conference has five thematic forums, namely the VC Forum, Enterprise Growth Empowered by PE/M&A, Capital + Chengdu-Chongqing New Economy, Fintech Innovation Investment & Post-investment Enterprises Growth, and "Cloud Forum": Exploring Chongqing to Discover the Power of Innovation. In these sessions, VC forms are analyzed from the perspectives of policy incentives, economic situations, market demands, and development trends of the industry and the field of VC is interpreted in a comprehensive and in-depth manner, showing VC opportunities and directions.

The VC Forum explores ideas and investment strategies for enterprise innovative development from the perspectives of hard and core technology and healthcare, where the guests share their thoughts on how capital support scientific and technological innovation and post-pandemic investment. The forum on PE/M&A focuses on hi-tech services and advanced equipment manufacturing and aims at determining how to empower enterprise development. The forum on Fintech Innovation Investment & Post-investment Enterprises Growth brings visionary analyses on the crossover integration of new technology and finance. The forum on Capital + Chengdu-Chongqing New Economy and the "Cloud Forum": Exploring Chongqing to Discover the Power of Innovation offer detailed suggestions for the development of the Chengdu-Chongqing economic circle from the perspectives of finance and scientific and technological innovation, for the goal of concentrating financial institutions in Chongqing, promoting the opening up of finance in the city, and enhancing the real economy efficiency of financial services. It is hoped that with the VC measures, more innovation enterprises will come to Chongqing for incubation and more innovation talents will choose to work in Chongqing.

Fertile Soil for Realizing Dreams

On October 16, the Planning Outline for the Construction of Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle was deliberated at a meeting convened by the CPC Central Political Bureau. It was stressed at the meeting that the coordinated driving force of the core cities of Chongqing and Chengdu should be highlighted, giving full play to regional advantages and features, to make the region into a center for economy and scientific and technological innovation of national influence.

The planning of constructing Western (Chongqing) Science City is a key measure to support the construction of the Chengdu-Chongqing economic circle. At the conference, Mr. Xue Xiong, deputy Mayor of Chongqing Municipal Government, released policies in relation to the financial support for the construction of Western (Chongqing) Science City. The 64 policies and opinions mainly cover four aspects, including the implementation plan for the support of West China for the construction of Western (Chongqing) Science City, the implementation opinions for equity investment entrepreneurship, measures and policies of Chongqing Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone to promote technology enterprises, and support measures and policies of Chongqing Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone to encourage enterprises to go public. It is hoped that the favorable policies will attract more VC giants, experts and scholars, and business representatives to the Science City, to construct it and settle here, playing an active role in constructing the Chengdu-Chongqing economic circle.

Western (Chongqing) Science City, the fertile Soil for investment and innovation, embraces talents from all over the world.

In addition, on the site of the conference there are also exhibition zones for investment institutions, local high-quality enterprises and technological innovation parks from Chongqing, and Western (Chongqing) Science City, building a comprehensive platform for promotion and exchanges. It is hoped that this platform will build a bridge that connects enterprises and investment institutions, to attract more attention from the capital sector on Chongqing and Western (Chongqing) Science City and gather more technological innovation enterprises and innovation talents in Chongqing Western (Chongqing) Science City, where they can well develop and realize their dreams.

On October 24, the Roadshow of Chongqing Innovation and Entrepreneurship Projects themed by "Innovative Technology, Innovation in Chongqing" will kick off. It gathers 10 local high-quality innovation enterprises and projects from Chongqing in biomedicine, semiconductor, energy, and electronic technology. They will receive comments and guidance from capital leaders as VC mentors, including Zhengdong Ni, chairman and founder of Zero2IPO Group; Bill Li, managing director of Walden International; and Suyang Zhang, founding partner of Volcanics Venture.



For further information: Christina Wang, +86-010-65268757-229