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Glue42 continues quest to modernize the financial desktop
Company kicks off 2020 with major new hedge fund client and initiatives to help financial institutions build and deploy secure, modern workspaces

NEW YORK, March 5, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Glue42, the company that delivers simplified desktop experiences to financial institutions globally, today announced a confident start to 2020 in its pursuit to help buy and sell side institutions build modern workspaces. The company signed a major hedge fund to help the firm build its next generation trading platform and onboarded two new partners.

The new collaborations are a testimony to Glue42's workspace vision and how enabling the rise of task-oriented applications, standardization and the re-use and migration of legacy applications are paramount to defining future interaction styles between humans and their desktop tools.

James Wooster, COO, Glue42, said, "To help firms succeed in delivering their digital transformation projects in 2020 and beyond, we are enabling financial institutions to embrace the reality of legacy applications while preparing for future innovation. Rewriting legacy systems is not always necessary and existing applications can be re-used without compromising the user experience. At the same time, we also want to ensure that new applications do not become the legacy applications of tomorrow and our users' financial desktops and processes remain state of the art."

One of Glue42's latest clients embracing this approach to build its next-generation trading platform is a top five, global investment firm. By using a workspace approach, new and old applications can be integrated together for the first time while minimizing the use of valuable screen real-estate. On these desktop spaces, traders and portfolio managers can run instances of the core trading applications and have access to an ecosystem of user-centric applications all of which can share data and functionality with each other.

By using Glue42, the fund's development teams are able to develop and deploy new applications faster, while ensuring all applications continue to work together seamlessly. Ultimately this leads to increased productivity and compliance, and the ability to innovate in the search for alpha.

In addition to new client implementations, Glue42 has collaborated with Scott Logic, a UK-based software consultancy and Luxoft, a DXC Technology company, to focus on digital transformation services and software engineering to scale and address the demand for Glue42's enterprise edition, and continue its quest to modernize the financial workspace.

"The onboarding of the global fund and new partners underlines what many independent analyst firms have been saying for some time; Glue42 is the most advanced desktop integration platform available today," said Leslie Spiro, CEO, Glue42. "We are also stepping up our collaboration with FINOS as we continue to help extend standards such as FDC3."

Glue42 will be at Trade Tech Paris (21-23 April) and will participate in a panel conversation on digitizing financial organizations at Fintech Connect Toronto (20-21 May).

About Glue42   
Glue42 enables organizations to build intelligent desktops that support configurable workflows between web and desktop applications. Its integration platform seamlessly and securely orchestrates UI and data and leverages opensource initiatives such as FINOS FDC3 to reduce application delivery times and accelerate time to value. The company is based in London, New York and Bulgaria. With over 24K licenses, its solutions are deployed at tier one financial institutions across the world. 

Contact on behalf of Glue42  
Tinne Teugels  