News Releases

GlobalSign Expands EU Trust Service Provider Status and Solutions and Also Begins Selling New PSD2-Compliant Solutions to Banks and Third-Party Payment Providers
Leading certificate authority now selling eIDAS qualified time stamps, eIDAS qualified web authentication certificates, and PSD2-compliant certificates and seals

BOSTON and LONDON, Feb. 11, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- GMO GlobalSign (, a global Certificate Authority (CA) and leading provider of identity and security solutions for the IoT, today announced the company has secured expanded EU Trust Service Provider status and is also now selling eIDAS-compliant qualified time stamps and eIDAS-compliant qualified web authentication certificates. In addition, GlobalSign has added PSD2-compliant certificates and seals to its list of offerings. With this expansion of both eIDAS-compliant and PSD2-compliant solutions, GlobalSign is now one of just two global CAs with this level of offerings.  

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Expanded EU Trust Service Provider Solutions

In October 2018, GlobalSign was one of the first global CAs to announce we achieved Qualified Trust Service Provider status by a European Supervisory Body (Belgium). With the company's newly expanded provider status, GlobalSign customers can now purchase eIDAS-compliant qualified time stamps and eIDAS-compliant qualified web authentication certificates along with the previous offerings around qualified certificates for Electronic Signatures and qualified certificates for Electronic Seals.

The Qualified Trust Service Provider (QTSP) plays an important role in the process of qualified electronic signing – the highest assurance level of signatures as specified by the Electronic Identification and Authentication Services (eIDAS) Act. eIDAS is an EU regulation focused on enhancing trust in electronic transactions between citizens, businesses and public authorities cross-borders. A major component of the regulation is a common framework for secure electronic signatures, including standardized assurance levels, to facilitate interoperability and acceptance across EU and EEA Member States. Under the law, only QTSPs can provide qualified trust services and appear on their country of operation's Trust List. If an entity is not on this list, they cannot provide qualified trust services.

PSD2-Compliant Certificates and Seals Now Available

GlobalSign is also now able to provide PSD2-compliant Qualified Certificates for Electronic Seals and Qualified Website Authentication Certificates to customers. All banking entities and Third-Party Payment Providers (TPPs) in Europe – an estimated 36,000 organizations – will need a pair of production PSD2-compliant certificates to comply with the Revised Payment Service Directive, better known as PSD2. GlobalSign's offering meets the requirement by pairing a Qualified Certificate for Electronic Seals (QSealC) and a Qualified Website Authentication Certificate (QWAC).

European banks and TPP's are required to share their customer information and payment networks as the EU works towards meeting Open Banking standards. Ultimately, it is hoped that these efforts will significantly reduce fraud and malicious activities while increasing authenticity and the general security of online payments.

PSD2 was initially scheduled for implementation as of September 2019. However, the deadline for the migration to stronger customer authentication was extended by the European Bank Authority to December 2020. The new deadline allows time for all parties to be fully PSD2-compliant, enabling the industry to take a consistent approach to stronger customer authentication across the European Union.

"We are thrilled to offer all of these new capabilities to our customers. Having expanded EU Trust Service Provider status – along with PSD2-compliant Qualified Certificates for Electronic Seals and Qualified Website Authentication Certificates – demonstrates our dedication to the European marketplace," said Arvid Vermote, Chief Information Security Officer, GlobalSign. "These new offerings significantly up the ante for GlobalSign in the EU, especially for our business with financial institutions and third-party providers."

GlobalSign's PSD2-compliant solutions are also available to non-EU banks and TPP's. Customers who want to purchase GlobalSign's QSealC's and QWAC's can learn more at

Speak with GlobalSign representatives about this at Cloud Security Expo, stand S632, March 11-12 in London.

About GMO GlobalSign
As one of the world's most deeply-rooted certificate authorities, GlobalSign is the leading provider of trusted identity and security solutions enabling businesses, large enterprises, cloud-based service providers and IoT innovators worldwide to conduct secure online communications, manage millions of verified digital identities and automate authentication and encryption. Its high-scale PKI and identity solutions support the billions of services, devices, people and things comprising the IoT. A subsidiary of Japan-based GMO Cloud KK and GMO Internet Group, GMO GlobalSign has offices in the Americas, Europe and Asia. For more information, visit 

Media Relations Contact
Amy Krigman
Public Relations Manager
Phone: 603-570-7060

SOURCE GlobalSign