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ACTNext Announces Speaker Lineup and Topics for the 2019 EdTech and Computational Psychometrics Symposium
EdTech Luminaries to Discuss Gamification, the Digital Divide, Artificial Intelligence and More

IOWA CITY, Iowa, Oct. 2, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- ACTNext, a multidisciplinary innovation division within ACT, today announce speakers and topics for the 2019 EdTech and Computational Psychometrics Symposium (ETCPS), held October 9-10 in Coralville, Iowa. Since 2017, ETCPS has brought EdTech leaders together to challenge assumptions, explore research insights and to understand how emerging technologies are shaping the future of learning.

"Education in the future will use technology to improve learning outcomes, and the daily lives of students, teachers, and administrators," said ACT CEO Marten Roorda. "We are looking forward to hosting many of the world's leading experts in EdTech at ETCPS so that together we can explore emerging technologies that can help students achieve their educational goals."

Join leaders from the State of Iowa and local businesses as they announce the findings of a special study into the economic potential of the education technology sector in Iowa on October 10 at ETCPS '19, followed by a press Q&A.

Notable ETCPS Speakers Include:

Dee Kanejiya is the CEO of Cognii, named a Top 10 Artificial Intelligence Solution Providers by Education Technology Insights. Kanejiya will discuss the pedagogy of his company's AI-powered Virtual Learning Assistant (VLA), an AI-based education technology that supports conversational assessment and tutoring.

Ashish Rangnekar is CEO and Co-founder of BenchPrep, an EdTech company that has served millions of people with learning systems for test prep, certification exams, continuing education, and corporate training. BenchPrep customers include McGraw Hill Education, the National Conference of Bar Examiners, Association of American Medical Colleges and more. Rangnekar, who has been featured in The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times and Fast Company, will discuss digital learning and equity.

Betsy Corcoran is CEO and Co-founder of EdSurge, an award-winning news and information site on education technology dedicated to the future of learning. Corcoran will present a talk titled "Perspectives on EdTech: Trends, Teachers' Roles, and Partnerships."

Additional Speakers and Panelists include:

Irini Moustaki, professor of statistics at the London School of Economics
Eric Englemann, founder of Iowa Startup Accelerator, Geonetric, and The New Bohemian Innovation Collaborator
Adam Keune, Co-Founder and Chief People Officer, Higher Learning Technologies
Nancy Lewin, Executive Director, Association of Latino Administrators and Superintendents (ALAS)
James Sprengelmeyer, senior director of Assessment Strategy, ACTNext
John Whitmer, senior director for Data Science and Analytics, ACTNext
Steve Polyak, senior director, ACTNext
Ruitao Liu, senior research scientist, ACTNext
Saad Khan, director, AI and machine learning, ACTNext
Lu Ou, research scientist, ACTNext
Kristin Stoeffler,  senior learning solutions designer, ACTNext
Laurel Ozersky, learning solutions designer, ACTNext

ETCPS sessions cover innovative education research and technology including assessment analytics, collaborative problem solving, gamification & measurement, process data analytics, EdTech R&D and application of EdTech in the classroom and more. Participants are invited to join discussions with leading practitioners and researchers within the academic and technology communities at the research reception and will learn about up-and-coming breakthroughs in education technology.

For more information or to register for the event, please visit the ETCPS website:

To follow the event and related developments, please follow #ETCPS19

About ACTNext
ACTNext is the change agent for ACT using research and technology expertise that extends ACT's assessment experience to transform life-long learning for all. ACTNext innovates using AI-algorithms, data-based and theory-grounded methods, enabling ACT to realize the next generation of learning, measurement, and navigation products. ACTNext delivers customized, best in class systems for personalized feedback built on analysis of an individual's skills, behavior, and means of knowledge acquisition.


For further information: Anders Steele, 1-831-239-0960,