News Releases

Banorte will support infrastructure projects in Mexico
-- The Mexican bank will take advantage of its decades of experience in supporting infrastructure projects at the national level, in states and municipalities throughout the country.
-- Hank González assumes the commitment to drive social infrastructure projects.
-- The Banorte Strategy Forum 2019 gathered the federal government cabinet, headed by the President of Mexico.

MEXICO CITY, Aug. 27, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- Within the framework of the Banorte Strategy Forum 2019, and joined by the Mexican President,  Andrés Manuel López Obrador, Carlos Hank González, president of Grupo Financiero Banorte, announced that the Mexican bank will support infrastructure projects throughout the country.

Hank González said: "Banorte is going to take advantage of its vast experience supporting infrastructure projects at the national level, in states and municipalities," and to thus accompany public infrastructure development processes at all levels.

Grupo Financiero Banorte has developed unique expertise in financing infrastructure projects, which will allow the banking institution to be the best positioned to take advantage of the opportunities that exist in the enormous gap in the size of the country's economy (13th-largest worldwide) and how far behind it is in terms of infrastructure (Mexico is listed 49th in the ranking of global infrastructure).

Carlos Hank González announced the institution's commitment to infrastructure in the presence of the President of the Mexican Republic, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, along with the Secretaries of the Treasury, Communications and Transportation, and the Head of the Office of the Presidency, among other members of the president's cabinet, as well as state governors, sector authorities, and hundreds of special guests and leaders from various industries.

In his message to the president, and before hundreds of students from 37 universities who attended the closing ceremony via streaming, the President of the Board of Grupo Financiero Banorte emphasized that Mexico needs greater social commitment from its businesspeople, and infrastructure development is one of the ways to attain this.

SOURCE Banorte

For further information: Francisco Rodríguez Daniel, Executive Director of Corporate Communications, (55)1670-2922 /