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Qihoo 360 Introduces its Security Products at RSA 2016

SAN FRANCISCO, March 3, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- Qihoo 360, a leading Internet company showcases its security products line up during RSA Conference 2016, taking place in San Francisco during this week.

RSA Conference is a major event in the security industry, where all major companies introduce their latest solutions for both professional and home IT security.

Qihoo 360 is introducing its security software line up for both PC and mobile users. 360 Total Security, the company's solution for PC protection, celebrates its second anniversary during the conference. 360 Security for Android, as well as 360 Connect - Qihoo's proposal for family protection - are also being showcased in the event

"In alignment with this year's RSA theme - Connect to Protect - 360 Connect, Qihoo's latest application, has been designed to connect with people and share protection" said Qi Xiangdong, President of the company.

360 Connect empowers every user to protect family and friends' computers from a mobile phone. With this application, the company strengthens its purpose to provide free security for every Internet user, regardless of their computer skills.

Founded in 2005, Qihoo has become the largest PC security brand in China in only ten years. The international user base of the company has rapidly increased after the release in 2014 of its security products for PC users worldwide

SOURCE Qihoo 360 Technology Co Ltd

For further information: Roberto Machado, +886-983-090-214,