News Releases

Beyond BookSmart Launches Online Executive Function Coaching for Patients of Pediatric Neuropsychologists at INS 2016
New Service Helps Pediatric Neuropsychologists Extend the Continuum of Care for Patients With ADHD

BOSTON, Feb. 3, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- Beyond BookSmart has announced the launch of BBSonline online Executive Function coaching services at the International Neuropsychological Society's 44th Annual Conference in Boston, in order to meet growing demand for Executive Function coaching worldwide and given the increasing use of telemedicine services to extend the continuum of care for neuropsychologists. Neuropsychologists often refer their clients for Executive Function coaching when testing reveals ADHD or other learning disabilities.

Ellen Braaten, PhD, Director of the Learning and Emotional Assessment Program (LEAP) at Massachusetts General Hospital, states, "The professionals at Beyond BookSmart are among the very best at implementing the type of Executive Function coaching that many of our children need. Their services are incredibly individualized to each student, their staff is extremely well-trained, and their treatment incorporates the very best of current research on children with learning and Executive Function challenges."

Using video conferencing, BBSonline supports students with ADHD, anxiety, and other challenges who struggle with skills such as organization, time management, planning, prioritizing, and sustained attention. Until the launch of BBSonline, families living outside of Boston, New York City, and Chicago had limited access to Beyond BookSmart's expertise. Through a pilot program to assess its efficacy for students with a variety of learning profiles, coaches at Beyond BookSmart have successfully worked with middle school, high school and college students online throughout the U.S., as well as internationally in countries such as the Philippines and Germany.

Karen from Concord, MA, the mother of a college sophomore who was struggling to manage his academic demands, enrolled her son for BBSonline coaching. She states, "The coach began working with our son over twice-a-week Skype sessions and daily check ins, given the volume of work that needed to be addressed. The BBS coach introduced my son to useful tools to help him organize and prioritize his schoolwork, and held him accountable in a non-judgmental and kind way that immediately gained his trust and acceptance. BBS was instrumental in getting our son to begin to advocate for himself and reach out to teachers and administrators for support and guidance on campus."

Beyond BookSmart is the largest provider of one-to-one Executive Function coaching for students of all ages. Beyond BookSmart's coaches teach students how to manage time, plan and prioritize work, organize materials, and sustain attention in order to be productive and confident learners. Visit our website,, to learn more.

Media Contact:
Jackie Stachel, Director of Communications



SOURCE Beyond BookSmart