News Releases

Tagoras to Continue Uniting Leaders in the Market for Adult Lifelong Learning with Second Annual Leading Learning Symposium

CARRBORO, N.C., Dec. 18, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- Leaders with strategic responsibility for the success of their organization's continuing education and professional education business will have the opportunity to come together once again for the second annual Leading Learning Symposium, created and hosted by Tagoras, Inc. (, on October 24 and 25 at the Royal Sonesta Harbor Court Hotel in Baltimore, MD.

The Leading Learning Symposium was launched in 2015 out of the recognition that the global need and demand for adult lifelong learning has grown dramatically in recent years, but that a focused community and forum for business leaders in this important sector of education had yet to emerge. "By focusing on what it means to be in the business of adult continuing education and professional development, we have definitely filled a need that wasn't previously being met," says Tagoras co-founder, Jeff Cobb. "Our aim is to help organizations maximize the reach, revenue, and impact of their education programs."

As Josh Goldman, Vice President of Learning at the Ohio Society of CPAs, and an attendee at the 2015 symposium, explains, "There is not anyone else providing this kind of deep and meaningful opportunity for association learning professionals to come together regarding the business of learning.  Tagoras has taken their concept of the knowledge, skills, and abilities required of a Chief Learning Market Officer and built an incredibly valuable learning community."

The concept of "learning community" is central to Tagoras's vision for Leading Learning.

"We see the symposium as only one part of an overall process and ongoing community and we plan to continue with this model. We know what the research says about learning and it isn't effective if you take a one-and-done approach," explains Celisa Steele, co-founder of Tagoras. Past attendees were given pre-conference reading as well as access to an online community to continue peer-to-peer discussions and the sharing of resources.

With the community now established, Tagoras sees the symposium itself as an opportunity to convene members annually for a focused, high impact learning experience based on ongoing community interaction. The 2016 Leading Learning Symposium will continue to emphasize active, collaborative experiences that model the latest research on effective learning practices – an approach clearly appreciated by 2015 attendees.

As Mary Mackay, Marketing Director for the American Library Association explains, "Tagoras put together an intensive learning event that modeled innovative practices for productive learning and surfaced stimulating ideas from dynamic speakers and the wide range of learning leaders at many types of association. It was impressive how much we came away with after only two days."

Mark Nilles, Program Director, Learning & Impact at InsideNGO echoes Mackay saying, "The content was relevant, the agenda was thoughtful, and the speakers were excellent. I got more out of the first four hours of the symposium than the past four months of research, planning, and contemplating how to move forward with an e-learning strategy."

YM Learning, formerly Digital Ignite, will return as the executive sponsor of the symposium. YM Learning partners with associations, credential providers, and for-profit education providers to help them deliver engaging learning experiences to their constituents and customers.

For more information about the symposium, visit  

About Tagoras, Inc.

Tagoras provides advisory services, publications, and educational events to organizations in the business of lifelong learning, continuing education, and professional development. Clients include associations and other membership organizations, publishers, learning technology companies, training firms, and consultancies.

Jeff Cobb
711 Rosemary Street
Suite D | Box C
Carrboro, NC 27510


SOURCE Tagoras, Inc.