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NATPE 2016: TV Shows and Movies Passed Up by Networks Have a Home on FreeCast
Popular content that could never be profitable on network television can now be monetized online at low cost

MIAMI, Jan. 19, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- The media industry is firing on all cylinders, with great content on the air each night, and high quality originals being produced by newcomers like Netflix and Amazon. Even outside of the big networks and studios, compelling independent content can be seen and followed by millions via the web. This opens the floodgates to untold opportunities to monetize that content, and potentially billions of dollars' worth of untapped potential.

FreeCast offers content producers of all shapes and sizes the tools that they need to connect with relevant audiences from among the company's more than 4 million subscribers on a variety of platforms. With the ability to offer ad-supported, pay-per-view, or premium subscription content via Rabbit TV, Select TV, and 2Buck TV, niche content now creates an appealing opportunity for advertisers who are able to micro-target their ideal potential customers in a way that just isn't possible on network TV, in turn allowing that content to become viable even with a much smaller viewer base.

FreeCast CEO William Mobley commented on the role of niche content in his company's media guide offerings from the NATPE conference in Miami: "Here at NATPE, you see so many content ideas, and to be honest, almost none of them are bad. It's simply a question of whether they can make it on television or the big screen. Can it pull 800,000 viewers on a given night? For a long time, if the answer was no, that was the end of the conversation. But we don't live in that world anymore. Now, if your content can attract even 800 viewers, that small audience could be exactly who a specific advertiser wants to reach, and you've got a real business opportunity. That exact scenario exists on Rabbit TV every day!"

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SOURCE FreeCast Inc.